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Golden Arrow – Emma Roberts – Shaping the invisible


Last year in Budapest in the workshop “Golden Thread’ we explored the invisible intuitive thread that guides us into our most authentic lived life. We touched on our conditioning and biography as well as our inner life of depth and the unknown, which when connected to, we are pulled into new life and meaningful growth.
This next workshop, the Golden arrow, is an invitation to become a conscious co-creater with spirit. How do we become an active participant in the creation of our life so that it s aligned and infused with our most authentic self? This is the dance of listening and responding in acts of intentional presence. Our golden arrow is the embodiment of our clear intention with the Great Mystery. This asks each of us to grow more into who we are at our essence and to be engaged fully in our path of growth and healing.
In our time together, we will drop into the practices that enable intuitive intelligence that naturally arises from greater embodied states. We will be like a listening bowl opening to that golden thread of intuitive life. We will then sharpen our arrow of intentional presence and find the direction of our life force. Co creative actions can be small and invisible yet can take us into new experiences and pathways.
Workshops are a great space for practice, experimentation and fertile soil for soulful growth.

About Emma

Emma has been teaching movement, dance, somatics and embodiment for the past 30 years.Originally trained as an actor, she went on to work in film, tv and threatre. Later in her career she co-created original pieces of theatre working as a director and movement specialist.
She is a trained movement & drama therapist, 5 Rhythms teacher and currently an interfaith minister in training.
She has worked internationally for the past 13 years teaching 5 Rhythms movement meditation blended with her experience in somatics and embodiment.
Today she weaves all her tools into a body of work under the name Shaping the Invisible. The focus being on embodied awakening. The Invisible element to this work is connecting to our soul, the sacred, the mystery, our dreaming, our intuition, our inner realm and tuning in so we are able to listen more deeply. The Shaping element to the work is how we embody this inner domain and find it’s authentic and creative expression into the web of life.
She always brings her full love and curiosity to the room, and listens deeply to where the group needs to go. She is delighted to be bringing the Golden Thread to Budapest this coming May.

Venue: InverseDance, Budapest XI. Fehérvári út 120.
Date: 17-19th of May 2023.
Friday 18:30-21:00
Saturday 11:00-18:00
Sunday 10:30-16:30

Fee and registration:

We look forward to seeing you,
Emma, Zsuzsi, Zoli


2024 May 17 - 19


6:30 pm - 4:30 pm



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Zsuzsanna Kiss

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Zoltán Upor
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