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Playful Presence

A 5Rhythms Waves Movement Meditation


“The heart of healing lies in the ability to listen, to perceive and to turn up the volume to our full body intelligence” 


Every interaction in our lives – be it within us, between ourselves and others, or ourselves and our environment – generates the opportunity to presence ourselves in the moment.


Nurturing a pathway to sensualizing our feet and their relationships to our other bodyparts creates the context for presence. Befriending our breathing and gravity enlivens our experience of moving. Noticing this sixth sense facilitates balance and focuses our ability to be present.


“My commitment to the participants of the workshops I lead promises to catalyze and inspire them to integrate the playful and pleasurable sense of  their body intelligence on the dance floor and in daily life.”


In life, and in dance, there is the opportunity to loosen effort and magnify ease. We can identify movement patterns then ignite new ones. This creative expansion of new ways of moving defines play. Play is fertilizer for brain plasticity, Are you willing to express with full body intelligence within the group resonance of a 5Rhythms authentic and open movement space? Join us in illuminating and welcoming a fresh and deep relationship to yourself, to your bones, to your flesh and to your fascia.



Erik is a wise and wonderful facilitator of the practice of presence and embodied leadership. He is an internationally renowned teacher of the 5Rhythms Movement Meditation practice. He completed his training in 5R with the founder, Gabrielle Roth, at the first training in 1988 which he co-founded. And has been leading classes and workshops around the world ever since. At the two most recent 5Rhythms teacher trainings he was on the faculty He has taught people of all ages, and from all walks of life – from senior executives to teens in juvenile detention centers to 4th graders. He also has a private practice as a certified Hellerwork Structural Integration body-worker. He has treated literally thousands of clients one-on-one, over his 30 years in practice.. Recently he graduated from the Hendricks Institute’s two-year program in Transformational Leadership, and is now offering Somatomy trainings that combine his knowledge of the body and movement. Erik is himself a gifted dancer and athlete, and brings his unique warmth, enthusiasm and playful spirit to his teaching. He is a master at creating a safe and fun space for exploration, discovery and learning with ease. 


Where: Budapest


When: 28 February- 2 March 2025

Friday 18:00 – 20:30

Saturday 10:30 – 17:30

Sunday 10:00 – 16:30



Early Bird price: €160

with €50 non-refundable deposit paid until 10th December. 

Full price: €210



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2025 Feb 28 - 2025 Mar 02


6:00 pm - 4:30 pm








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