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Landing in your body
Filling in the space that’s yours in the world
Expressing yourself freely
Finding a home in yourself and the world

This is a dance without choreography. We don’t learn steps, don’t aim for beautiful movements. We learn to pay attention: to our bodies, to the voices inside, to the movements emerging instinctively – to the dance that’s only yours.

“… I move freely to music. I’d say that I’m dancing if dance wouldn’t mean to many of us either something choreographed and precise or a property of parties. For me dance is a way of listening inside: my soul moves my body and the other way around. I explore patterns, emotions, thoughts, obstacles, wishes, and other juicy things by it. In this way, all of us can dance.”

Dorka Herner

When we move this way, we plug back into the wisdom of our bodies,, the emotions of our hearts, the creativity of our mind – and we become a moving, feeling, breathing One. In the dance, we process the experiences of the day or the week, face our patterns and obstacles, build new neuro-pathways, heal old traumas, and get to know ourselves more deeply. We practice connecting with others , and giving ourselves back to the ecstasy of living.

To the ecstasy that includes everything from grief to bursting joy, from fear to gratitude, from anger to compassion. To the ecstasy that embraces the wholeness of life. 

Which is not always easy – but real. This way we create in ourselves an ever-expanding space for the flow of life.

„The thing that really, really set me alive was the spiritual and the sacred, and the physical,
the somatic coming together.”
(Susannah Darling Khan)

Movement Medicine is a movement meditation based on free dance, where the liberating energy of free movement meets the wisdom of a shamanic perspective and new scientific and neurological knowledge about the body. By giving ourselves to the movements arising in our bodies we give space to expressing our emotions, integrating our experiences and eventually growing a stronger presence in ourselves and in the world.

Our practice is rooted in real, somatic experiences, not in abstract ideas and theories. We support arriving into the body with simple invitations and exercises. This is a permissive space where it’s ok to rest, to lay down, to go slow, and also to jump high and release. Through our bodies, we connect to our soul, our intuition, our dreams, and to that which is bigger than us, to that which holds us.

Movement Medicine is not a therapy but it has a therapeutic effect. The fusion of ancient shamanic wisdom and modern psychotherapy gives us an opportunity regardless of age, gender or body shape to be more fully ourselves, to heal, and to live more creatively. You can’t do it wrong:if you can move, you can dance. 

The founders of Movement Medicine, Ya’acov and Susannah Darling Khan worked for 18 years with Gabrielle Roth, the founder of 5Rhythms, before creating Movement Medicine. Susannah studied anthropology, Gestalt therapy, and Family Constellations, while Ya’acov is recognized as a shaman in indigenous communities from Ecuador to Scandinavia. Their relationship of 37 years is the bedrock of their work and everything they have created during these three decades.

More about the founders of Movement Medicine:


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