community, dance, celebration, offering
During the past two years, a drawing was co-created in each of my classes: a graphic impression of our experiences, dances, and meetings.
We’ll now offer these drawings to the fire at a community celebration. In the space of the summer solstice, in the period of the year when the life energy is the highest in all living beings, we celebrate life, light, and community.
We’ll dance so that, following the call of the Sun, we also allow ourselves to shine, to allow our light to gain space and be expressed in our lives.
We’ll dance to lift up our prayers for all that is important to us.
We’ll dance to express our gratitude for our shared experiences and for the dancing community we are a part of.
We’ll offer our drawings to the fire, with the intention that the transformation of the drawings will feed the light of all of us and increase the light in the world, in the fabric of life.
When: Friday, 28 June, 2024.
We’ll gather from 5 p.m.
We’ll start at 6 p.m., arrive by then so we can start together.
Where: Kissvábhegy or Göd, by the Danube – we’ll confirm in a few days
Participation is possible by donation and registration.
REGISTRATION: https://forms.gle/cxGXKLipcVzGVgS46
Your donation is part of my Movement Medicine Summer Long Dance fundraising and supports the work of Budapest Bike Maffia and Pachamama Alliance.
Thank you for your generosity!