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The installation was inspired by the image of us falling. On the first day, there was only a painting of a wave (drawn after The Great Wave by Hokusai), with a surfer on the wave, on the edge of falling, legs not touching the board any more. This same figure is also there on the second day’s artwork among the many tiny figures hanging on their threads. He’s also there on the mandala created from the shapes of the falling figures. A circle-shaped, black paged book was also part of the installation. I wrote some of Adam’s words and sentences in it during the workshop. And the mandala can also be found in it.


Adam Barley, Graz, 2018.

These are wild times. We’re not just on the edge but off the edge and falling. We are being called, cajoled and catapulted into new ways of being that require us to let go of our fixed ideas of what we thought we knew. We can sense it. Something is going on. We need to change radically; even if we don’t know how to, it’s happening. There’s no way through without the grief. There’s no way through without each other. Let’s open up together, willing to fall into the whirlpool of evolution that this wild earth does so well. Willing to be moved by life. Willing to speak the truth. Willing to stand up and be the change.

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