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The Joy of Being Alive

Silvija Tomcik, Budapest, 2017

“People say that what we're all seeking in life is a meaning for life. I don't think that's what we're really seeking. I think we're seeking the rapture, the joy of being alive.”


Joseph Campbell

My aim with the installation was to evoke the children’s natural joy. I created two huge drawings: one shows a joyful child in a dark, cloudy landscape, while the other, inspired by a drawing of one of my kids, is connected to the colourful imagination of the children. Light, pastel-coloured fabrics, painted stones, colourful lampoons and children’s drawings invited the element of Air (connected to the emotion of Joy on the 5rhythms map) to make the installation complete.

In this workshop, we explored the feeling of aliveness and well-being in our hearts. This ability to meet the ups and downs of our life with authenticity and perspective. This is not about manufacturing positive experiences but about becoming aware of those already present. It is about opening to the good. There is excitement in our fear, passion in our anger, rejuvenation in our sadness. There are so many flavours of joy!

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