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“only the fool and the child

dare to believe

in what fate

rolled in front of them”


One of the healing archetypes of Movement Medicine is the dancing Fool, otherwise known as the innocent Child. They who live in the present, are open to magic, walk the path that unfolds in front of them from moment to moment giving space to imagination and wonder

Let’s invite them into our lives and dances as often as possible!

Preparing for next week’s dance events, I wondered how now, when there is so much difficulty and pain in the world, how much space there is to play, laugh, and celebrate.

I soon realized that this was the best thing I could do. If I can make room for moments that uplift me, I don’t have to shut out the news in order not to fall into lethargy.

It is essential to have a place in our lives for joy: to notice the small miracles and to be grateful for the things that we easily take for granted

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